All it takes is 15 minutes.

Fifteen minutes. The amount of time it takes to run two 7:30 miles, make five homemade lattes, or drive from point A to point B. To take a shower, a quick power nap, or a really long and satisfying poop.

What could you do with fifteen minutes? Could you end world poverty? Start the business you’ve always wanted to create? Heal a relationship?

Yeah. You can.

Ask yourself – what are some things you’ve always wanted to do? What is holding you back from doing them?

For me, fear and self-doubt hold me back. There are a number of dreams and ideas residing comfortably in my mind that I haven’t acted on because I’m afraid. I want to be a photographer and start my business, make a socially entrepreneurial jewelry and crafted cards line, write and record a song, and live and work in Peru with the mission that I love. Then, my mind kicks into a self-doubting autopilot with myself on the judgment seat: What if I’m not a good enough photographer? What if people don’t like my stuff? Do I really have to fundraise to go to Peru? What if people reject my fundraising? Isn’t there another way? Are you even creative enough to do these things? People don’t see you as creative. Maybe no one will buy my jewelry or cards. Maybe people won’t like my photography. 

The funny thing is that I assume everyone else is putting me on the judgment seat when, really, I’m putting myself on the judgment seat. If the only thing holding me back is my own fear, then the only thing holding me back is me.

What would it feel like to be living your dream? What would it feel like to have zero fear for just fifteen minutes a day? What would it be like to cast the self-judgment, doubt, and fear out of your mind and take brazen steps of awesomeness towards what you want? That’s what we’re here to find out. That’s what I’m challenging myself (and you) to do.

Fifteen minutes is a lot more time than we realize, and we have a lot of fifteen minuteses during the day! Like… at least 20.

So, here’s the challenge: For the next 30 days, I will be brave for 15 minutes each day.

I will call the person I’m afraid to call. I will send emails asking for the business, opportunities, and funds. I will make a piece of jewelry to sell online. I will establish a seller profile on Etsy to sell my print cards. I will make the print cards. I will record a cover of a song and post it on YouTube. I will sing and play at an open mic night.

I WILL BE BRAVE. For 15 minutes. I will cast aside all judgments and fears that I place on myself or believe others are placing on me. I will take the little steps, day by day, to get one step closer toward my dream.

And then… I will post about it here! I have no idea where I will be at the end of these 30 days or what crazy cool things will or won’t happen. It’s risky… but this post is my fifteen minutes of brave for today (fear of exposing my writing to the world – check!). I have faith something will happen if we knock on and open these doors.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. – Matthew 7:7

I invite you to join in on this challenge. If you’re down, leave a comment with the statement below, say it to yourself in the mirror, and/or go outside your cubicle or house and say it to someone! In the days to come, leave a comment on what brave thing YOU did today on the new post of the day. Let’s share in this opportunity together and see where we are in just 30 days.

Every day for the next 30 days, I, (state your name), will be brave for 15 minutes. I cast my self-judgments aside and kick fear out of my mind. I believe crazy cool doors can and will open when I have the faith and courage to knock.

2 thoughts on “All it takes is 15 minutes.

  1. I am joining you in this challenge, Lauren.

    Every day for the next 30 days, I, Raquel Z. Duarte, will be brave for 15 minutes. I cast my self-judgments aside and kick fear out of my mind. I believe crazy cool doors can and will open when I have the faith and courage to knock.



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